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Agriculture Committee Chairman Conaway Statement on the Announcement of Historic 2014 Farm Bill SNAP Work Pilots

Washington, D.C. - This morning, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced the selection of 10 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment and Training (E&T) pilot projects designed to help recipients prepare for and go to work. The pilot projects were authorized under Section 4022 of the bipartisan Agricultural Act of 2014. 
“I am pleased the Secretary has announced the selection of the 10 work pilots created by Congress in the 2014 Farm Bill. Innovative approaches, like the range of those to be tested in these pilot projects, will help able-bodied SNAP recipients climb the economic ladder. The Farm Bill also requires that these pilots be rigorously evaluated to quantify their effects. I look forward to including ongoing progress updates from pilot states and their corresponding evaluations in the Committee’s thoughtful and thorough review of SNAP. I am committed to making sure that SNAP recipients are not trapped by the program and are able to reach their full potential.”