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Republican Leader Thompson Reflects on Today’s Full Committee Hearing on Farm Bill Dairy Provisions

House Agriculture Committee Republican Leader Glenn "GT" Thompson issued the statement below following today’s full committee hearing entitled, "A 2022 Review of the Farm Bill: Dairy Provisions":
"As a descendant of many generations of hardworking dairymen and women, I am pleased to have worked closely with Chairman Scott to schedule today’s hearing on Farm Bill dairy provisions. A strong and resilient dairy sector is critical to our rural communities, especially in my home state of Pennsylvania, and it is incumbent upon my colleagues and I to get dairy policy right in the upcoming Farm Bill reauthorization. Today’s hearing highlighted the need for a robust safety net that helps producers weather the tough years and effective programs that bolster the movement of dairy products throughout the supply chain. I am thankful for the testimony provided today by witnesses from USDA and the dairy stakeholder community which will prove invaluable as we seek to make necessary improvements to dairy policy in the 2023 Farm Bill."
